The ‘Artist Trading Cards’ Project
Spring 2020

The surprises and challenges that Spring 2020 brought with it cannot be understated. We in the Fine Arts Department were at a loss as to how to bring our talented upper level students together, and give them an opportunity to retain some of the connection and community that they had built throughout the semester (indeed, throughout their entire artistic journeys at Loyola). So we decided to celebrate our students and send them a parting gift—a deck of ‘Artist Trading Cards.’ For this project, all students enrolled in an upper level course this spring were able to submit a piece that they felt best represents them, and then write something about the piece or about their work in general. We turned these into Artist Trading Cards and sent them off to all participating students. We hope that our students will look through them and be reminded of the amazing community of student artists we have here at Loyola! We just love how they turned out, and so we wanted to share the results with YOU! A HUGE Thank You to MSAC for their support of the Gallery and of this project! To discover more about the Maryland State Arts Council and how they impact Maryland, visit We wish you could have the tactile experience of flipping through these cards, so we’ve done the next best thing—scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a video of Jon Malis, one of our faculty members and masterminds of the ATC project flipping through a deck!